30 January, 2017


 Boiler : View from South
 Boiler : Morning Coordination meeting @ 08h00 am
 Boiler: pressure part lifting inside cavity
 Boiler View of the back pass pressure part (Reheater)
 Boiler View of Cavity pressure part
 Boiler: Cavity View to Mills side
Boiler: Cavity View to Air Pheater /SCR side
Boiler: PA Fan North
 Boiler: FD Fan North side 
 Boiler FD Fan South
 Boiler PA Fan South
 Boiler: Air prehater & SCR View from North West
Boiler Electrical Building (BEB)
BEB: View from Boiler side
 BEB: View from North West
 BEB detailled View: Cable cellar 
 Turbine Hall: South Gable end
 Turbine Hall: B95: Condensate polishing plant underground pit
 Turbine Hall: Dearator @ +14 m elevation
  Turbine Hall: Lube Oil bottom formwork @ +6 m elevation
  Turbine Hall: View of Turbine Table from teh North (HP turbine side)
  Turbine Hall: Baby Turbine Part view (stored @ +14 m elevation)
  Turbine Hall: View of IP Turbine next to bearings
  Turbine Hall: View of LP Turbine Rotor erected end of last week
  Turbine Hall: Generator feet & LP Turbine at the back
  Turbine Hall: View of Baby Turbine concrete structure @ +5m elevation : beams form work structure ongoing
  Turbine Hall: View of various equipments from +14m: FWT, LP heaters, condenser & shaftline
 Main transformers view from Turbine Hall
 Central Electrical Building view from Turbine Hall
 Turbine Hall roof on top of shatline
 Turbine Hall : Dearator @ +14 m & LP Heaters @ +6m elevations
  Turbine Hall : View of +6m elevation North side: HP heaters & piping erection starting
 B68: Transformer area switchyard

B68: Transformer area switchyard

 SST Transformers West of CEB
 F05: HV Intermediate Block Switchyard, West of Main Transformers
 ESP : Tier # 2 steel on top of hoppers (view from South East)
 IF Fan South  from south, between ESP & WFGD areas
 IF Fan North  from North
 ESP Hoppers
 WFGD area
 WFGD Area: Booster fan erection on going
 WFGD area: East part: service building & booster fans
  WFGD area: East part: service building 
  WFGD area: East part: service building 
  WFGD area: Back of Booster Fan
  WFGD area: East part: service building, Electrical building part (Ground floor civil)
 WFGD Area: Pumps & pump Building next to absorber
  WFGD Area: Absorber
  WFGD Area: Ducts structure & ducts obverview
 Cooling Towers View from South West 
  Cooling Towers View from South 
   Cooling Towers View from North East
 Demin Building
Demin Building
  Demin Tanks
Overview From North East
 Underground Water Tanks 
 Pipe Rack foundation Next to underground water tanks