23 January, 2017


H01 Mech. System networks - Pipe trench to Existing Plants view to North
B68 -  SST Transformer - North West view
H01 Mech. System networks - Pipe trench to Existing Plants view to South
B68 - Transformer area - SST Transformer oil filling activities
B68 - Transformer area - SST Transformer oil filling activities
B68 - Gen Transformer area -  North side view
B30 - CEB External Area South side view
B30 - CEB External -South side view - Electrical Duct bank & Pits construction
B63 - STH Condenser Erection
B63 - B01 Corridor between STH and Boiler
B95 - Condensate Polish Plant Civil works construction
B63 - STH External - South side view
B01 - Boiler Pressure part wall panels erection
B01 - Boiler Pressure part wall panels erection
B01 - Boiler Pressure part wall panels erection
B01 - Boiler Pressure part wall panels erection
B01 - Boiler temporary Tower crane foundation
B01 - Boiler FD Fan erection
B07 - ESP erection - South West side view

B01 - Boiler external - South East side view
B07 - ESP erection - South East side view
B10 - ID Fan erection - South side view
B17 - Flue Gas duct to stack - pre-assembly activities
B02 - Stack Flue Gas duct  erection activities
B02 - Stack Flue Gas duct  erection activities
L04 - WFGD Pump Building Steel structure erection activities
L05 - WFGD Absorber Reactor tower erection activities
WFGD - Flue Gas Desulfuration Area - Civil Works 
B17 - Flue Gas duct to stack - East side view
G42 - Fire Fighting Pump station Building Construction
WFGD - Flue Gas Desulfuration Area - East side view
H03 - Pipe rack to STH  piping erection
WFGD - Flue Gas Desulfuration Area - North East side view
B07 - ESP erection - North East side view
B10 - ID Fan erection - North side view
B01 - Boiler view  - South West side view
B35 -  BEB Boiler Electrical Building Construction
B63 - STH External - North side view
B30 - ECB External - North side view
B30 - ECB - Cable trays erection
B63 - STH Perimeter concrete block wall
B63 - STH Elv +0.00  CCW Exchangers erection
B63 - STH Condenser Erection
B63 - STH Baby Turbine Columns construction
B63 - LP3 Recovery Drain pump erection activities
B63 - STH Elev + 0.00 Equipment foundation civil works
General External - North West side view

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