10 June, 2017


Plant view from West
Plant view from West
Plant view from West
F05 - 230 kV Swyr view from South
F05 - 230 kV Swyr view from South
F05 - 115 kV Swyr view from B30- CEB
F05 - 230 kV Swyr view from B30 - CEB
F05 - 115 kV Swyr view from B30 - CEB
F05 - 230 kV Swyr view from B30 - CEB
B68 - Transformer Area view from South
F05 - 230 kV Swyr and B30 - CEB view from South-West
B68 - Transformer Area view from West
B68 - Transformer Area view from South
B68 - Transformer Area bus ducts erection
B68 - Transformer Area bus ducts erection
B68 - Transformer Area bus bars erection
B68 - Transformer Area view from B30 - CEB
B68 - SST Transformer Area view from North
F05 - 230 kV Swyr and B68 - Transformer Area view from West
F05 - 230 kV Swyr and B30 - CEB view from South
B30 - CEB MV Cable pulling activities
B30 - CEB Marshalling cabinets cabling activities
B30 - CEB North Side - Pipe rack erection activities
B30 - CEB North Side - Trafos oil tank/pits civil works activities
G10 - Emergency Diesel Generator view from B30 - CEB
G10 - Emergency Diesel Generator view from East
B63 - STH Wall Cladding North side erection activities
B63 - STH view from East
B63 - STH view from East
B63 - STH cable trays erection activities
B63 - STH and B01- Boiler Interconnection Area view from South
B63 - STH  Baby Turbines construction - view from West
B63 - STH  Baby Turbines construction - view from North-West
B63 - STH and B01- Boiler Interconnection Area view from North
B95 - CPP - Condensate Polishing Plant view from West
B95 - CPP - Condensate Polishing Plant civil works activities
B95 - CPP - Condensate Polishing Plant Piping erection activities
B95 - CPP - Condensate Polishing Plant equipment erection activities
B35 - BEB view from West
B35 - BEB view from East - cable trays erection activities
B35 - BEB view from East
B01 - Boiler view from North-East
B01 - Boiler FD Fan and PA Fan North side view
B01 - Boiler view from North-East
B01 - Boiler view from South-East
B01 - Boiler view from South-East
B01 - Boiler view from South
B01 - Boiler view from South
B01 - Boiler view from South-West
B01 - Boiler Pulverizers Area view from South
B07 - ESP view from North-West
B07 - ESP view from North
B07 - ESP view from North-East
B07 - ESP view from South
B07 - ESP view from South-West
B07 - ESP collector plates assembly activities
B10 - ID Fan North side - view from North
B10 - ID Fan South side - view from South
Boiler - WFGD Absorber/Reactor and Pipe Rack to STH view from North-East
Boiler and Pipe Rack to STH view from North-East
WFGD Area - L05 - Absorber / Reactor and L04 - Pump Bldg. view from West
WFGD Area - L10 - Booster Fans Bldg. and L24 - Flue Gas Ducts view from North

WFGD Area - L05 Absorber/Reactor and L24 - Flue Gas Ducts view from East
WFGD Area - L05 - Absorber / Reactor and L04 - Pump Bldg. view from East
WFGD Area - L05 - Absorber / Reactor view from East
WFGD Area - L24 - Flue Gas Ducts view from South-West
WFGD Area - L24 - Flue Gas Ducts view from South
WFGD Area - L24 - Flue Gas Ducts view from South
WFGD Area - L10 - Booster Fans Bldg. view from South-West
WFGD Area - L24 - Flue Gas Ducts view from South
Pipe rack and L07 - WFGD Service Bldg. view from North
L07 - WFGD Service Bldg. view from East
L07 - WFGD Service Bldg. view from South
L07 - WFGD Service Bldg. view from South-East
 L06 - WFGD Electrical Bldg. view from West
L06 - WFGD Electrical Bldg. view from South
L09 - WFGD Auxiliary Storage Tank view from North
L09 - WFGD Auxiliary Storage Tank erection activities
E04 - Cooling Tower view from North
E04 - Cooling Tower view from South-West
E04 - Cooling Tower Piping Erection activities
E04 - Cooling Tower Piping Erection activities
E12 - Circulating water Pump Station view from North
E06 - Cooling water Treatment Bldg. view from South
E12 - Circulating water Pump Station equipment erection activities
E12 - Circulating water Pump Station view from South
E42 - Fire Fighting Pump Station equipment erection activities
E42 - Fire Fighting Pump Station view from East
Plant view from East
G08 - Compressed air Production equipment erection activities
G08 - Compressed air Production Steel structure erection activities
C01 - Fuel oil Tank view from B03 - CEB
C07 - Coal Transfer tower Structure erection activities
C06 - Coal conveyor to Transfer tower Structure assembly activities
C06 - Coal conveyor from existing Plant Structure erection activities
C06 - Coal conveyor from existing Plant Structure erection activities
C08 - Coal Handling electrical Bldg. Civil works activities - View from West
C08 - Coal Handling electrical Bldg. Civil works activities- View from East
D01 - Fly Ash Silo Structure view from West
D01 - Fly Ash Silo Structure view from East
D20 - Fly Ash Compressor Bldg. view from West
D08 - Fly Ash intermediate Silo Civil works activities
H03 - Pipe Rack - Piping erection activities
H03 - Pipe Rack from Demin Plant and water area view from North
H03 - Pipe Rack from Demin Plant view from South
B89 - Compressed Gas Storage House Civil works activities

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