18 September, 2017


B63 - STH area Cooling Water piping erection activities
B63 - STH Loading bay external area civil construction work
B01 - Boiler Plant view from South-East side
B01 - Boiler Ducts insulation activities
B01 - Boiler Ducts insulation activities
B01 - Boiler ground floor slab civil work activities
B01 - Boiler ground floor slab civil work activities
B01 - Boiler and B07 - ESP area view from South-East side
B06 - Boiler Bunker Station area view from North side
B07 - ESP area view from North-West side
B07 - ESP and B01 - Boiler area view from South side
B07 - ESP area view from South side
B07 - ESP Top area view from B01 - Boiler plant
B07 - ESP And L24 - Flue gas Ducts area view from South side
L24 - Flue Gas Ducts area view from South side
WFGD area view from South-West side
WFGD area view from North-East side
WFGD area view from East side
L06 - WFGD Electrical Bldg. Roofing erection activities
L07 - WFGD Service Bldg. ground floor area view
L07 - WFGD Service Bldg. ground floor area view
L09 - WFGD Auxiliary Storage Tank area view from South side
L09 - Auxiliary Storage tank and L36 - SRS Bldg. area view from East side
L36 - SRS Bldg. and L07 - WFGD Service area view from East side
C01 - Fuel Oil Tank area view from C30 - CEB Bldg.
C03 - Fuel Oil Pump Station area view from South-East side
G08 - Compressor Air Bldg. area civil work activities
G28 - Oil & F.F. Recovery Pit at West site B63 - STH civil work activities
G42 - F.F. Pump Station area view from E04 - Cooling Tower
G42 - F.F. Pump Station area view from South-West side
E07 - Cooling Water Elec. Bldg. area view from E04 - Cooling Tower
E12 - Cooling Tower Pumping Station view from South-East side
E12 - Cooling Tower Pumping Station view from E04 - Cooling Tower
Underground Water Storage Tank area view from E04 - Cooling Tower
C06 - Coal Conveyor area view from South-East side
C06 - Coal Conveyor and H03 - Piperack area view from South-West side
C07 - Coal Transfer Tower structure erection activities
C07 - Coal Transfer Tower structure erection activities
H03 - Piperack and H02 - Elec. Cable tray area view from South side
H03 - Piperack area view from West side
Site Water Drainage System construction activities
Temporary Hydro-test drain water collecting pond area view

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