21 September, 2018


Plant view from South-West side
Plant West side area view from B01 - Boiler
B01 - Boiler wall cladding erection activities
B01 - Boiler rooftop platform lighting erection activities
B01 - Boiler elevator wall cladding erection activities
B01 - Boiler elevator floor level area wall cladding erection activities
B01 - Boiler rooftop platform touch-up painting activities
B01 - Boiler rooftop platform area view
B01 - Boiler Submerged Scrap Conveyor area view
B01 - Boiler SSC Sump Pit area view
B01 - Boiler higher level platform area lighting & firefighting pipe view
B01 - Boiler Sootblower pipe insulation activities
B01 - Boiler Ammonia pipe area view
B01 - Boiler platform area lighting commissioning activities
B06 - Boiler Coal Bunker coal silo area view
B07 - ESP area view from B01 - Boiler
B07 - ESP #1 area view from B01 - Boiler
B07 - ESP #2 area view from B01 - Boiler
B17 - Flue Gas Ducts area view from B01 - Boiler
WFGD North-West area view from B01 - Boiler
WFGD South-West area view from B01 - Boiler
L05 - WFGD Absorber / Reactor Tower view from B01 - Boiler
C06 - Coal Conveyors and H03 - Piperack area view from B01 - Boiler
G11 - Boiler Fire Fighting Pump House area view from South-West side
G60 - Chemical Bulk Storage Bldg. area view from B01 - Boiler
C06 - Coal Conveyors and L12 - Gypsum Conveyors area view from B01 - Boiler
D01 - Fly Ash Silo Storage Tank area view from B01 - Boiler
L12 - Gypsum Conveyors area view from B01 - Boiler
Ash Loading and Receiving Station area view from B01 - Boiler
C07 - Transfer Tower #3 area view from B01 - Boiler
C07 - Transfer Tower #4 area view from B01 - Boiler
L15 - Gypsum Transfer Tower area view from B01 - Boiler
Plant West side of HV Switchyard area landscaping activities
Plant East side of Guard House area landscaping activities
Plant South side of STH area view
Plant South side of Boiler area view
Plant South side of ESP area view
Plant South side Laydown area view

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