29 July, 2016


STH & Boiler Overview to East
 Boiler View to North
 Furnace hanging pressure part
  Furnace hanging pressure part
Coal Piping 
Furnace Pressure Part View to South 
LB Piping Installation 
Air Duct Installation 
Furnace Main Girders and Backpass Pressure Part Support 
Boiler Air Duct North 
Coal Silos Feeder Deck in progress 
Laydown Area 3 View to South East  
Laydown Area 3 - Tubular Air Heater ground fabrication 
Laydown Area 3 -  Air Ducts ground fabrication  
 Laydown Area 1 - Air Duct ground fabrication 
Laydown Area 3 -  Pressure Part ground fabrication  
PA & FD Fan Foundations South
PA & FD Fan Foundations North 
B63 STH View to South
B63 STH View to North
B64 STG View to North
B64 STG View to West
Laydown Area 1 - STH Steel Structure Fire Coating and ground fabrication
B63 STH Steel View to South
B63 STH Steel View to North
B64 STG View to North West
B95 Polishing Plant
B64 STG South View to West
 B64 STG View to North West 
B30 CEB View to West
B30 CEB South View to East
B30 CEB View to North
B68 SST Foundation View to North
B68 GSUT/UAT  Foundation View to North
B35 BEB View to East
B07 ESP Foundations View to East
WFGD Area view to East 
L04 Pump Bldg & L43 Recycle Piping View to East 
L07 WFGD Service Bldg View to East
L07 Absober foundation - embedded ring installation preparation 
L10 Booster Fan Foundations view to East
B02 Stack Liner Ground Fabrication
E04 Cooling Tower View to East
H03 Pipe Rack View to North East
H03 Pipe Rack View to North
H03 Pipe Rack View to East

26 July, 2016


Boiler Pulverizer gearbox installation
 Boiler Coal Piping installation
 Boiler backpass pressure part Installation
Boiler Cold Primary Air Duct Installation
 Boiler Furnace Pressure Part Installation
  Boiler Coal Piping installation
 Boiler Pressure Part Installation
 Coal Feeder Deck
  LB Piping Installation
  Boiler Coal Piping installation
 Laydown Area 3 East
 Laydown Area 3 West 
 B63 STH Steel Structure installation
 B63 STH View to North
 B63 STH View to South
 B63 STH View to North
 B63 STH Area North side
 B64 STG Columns view to West
 B64 STG Columns view to West 
 B64 STG View to South 
  B95 Polishing Plant View to West
 B95 Polishing Plant View to North West
 B30 CEB View to West
B30 CEB View to South
 B35 BEB View to East
 H03 Pipe Rack Steel Structure Installation