25 July, 2016


Boiler View to East
 Boiler View over Mills bays to North East 
Boiler Overall View to East
 Boiler backpass pressure part installation - View to North
 Boiler furnace pressure part installation
  Boiler backpass pressure part installation - View to East
 Boiler Air Heater Structure View to West
 Boiler View to North West
 B63 STH View to South
 B63 STH View to North East - Steel Structure in progress
 B63 STH View to North - Steel Structure in progress
 B64 STG Columns in progress - View to East
 B64 STG Columns View to South 
 B30 CEB View to South West
  B30 CEB View to East
 B68 SST Foundation View to South
 WFGD - L05 Absorber foundation preparation for erection

WFGD -  L10 Booster Fan East Side Foundation View to North
WFGD -  L10 Booster Fan West Side Foundation View to North
 WFGD -  L24 FGD  South Side Backfilling in progress - View to North
 WFGD -  L24 FGD South West Side Backfilling in Progress - View to North
 B07 ESP Foundations View to North
 E04 Cooling Tower view to East
 CW Pipes backfilling in progress
  CW Pipes backfilling in progress

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