18 July, 2016

18.07.16 Aerial Pictures

Overall Site View to North East 
Overall Site Overview to East - Laydown Areas 1, 2 & 3  
Site Overview to South East 
Site Overview West Side - View to North 
 Boiler Overview to North
Boiler Overview to North 
 B63 STH-Turbine Hall View to North
B64 STG - View to North 
B63 STH & B30 CEB View to South 
B63 STH Lateral View to East
B30 CEB View to South East 
ECS Area - B07 ESP and WFGD Foundations View to North East 
ECS Area - B07 ESP and WFGD Foundations View to North  
ECS Area - WFGD Foundations View to North  
E04 Cooling Tower View to East  

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