06 July, 2016


Boiler View Looking West
Boiler Pressure Part Erection in Progress
Boiler Pressure Part Erection in Progress
E09 Economizer Outlet Header Preparation for Erection
E09 Economizer Outlet Header Preparation for Erection
Boiler View Looking East
Boiler view looking West
B63 STH B64 STG Civil Contractor Site activity log 
B95 Polishing plant View to East
B63 STH East Side View to North
B63 STH / B64 STG View to North
B63 STH View to North West
B63 STH Steel Structure preparation for installation
B63 STH East Steel Structure View to South
B64 STG View to South
B63 STH West Steel Structure View to South 
B30 CEB View to South
B35 BEB View to West
B07 ESP East Side View to South
B07 ESP West Side View to South
WFGD - L04 FGD Pump Building pile head preparation

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