01 April, 2017

01-04-17 Gantry Crane Erection for Gen Stator lift

B64 - STG - Temporary Gantry Crane erection for Gen Stator lift
B64 - STG - Temporary Gantry Crane erection for Gen Stator lift
B64 - STG - Temporary Gantry Crane erection for Gen Stator lift
B64 - STG - Temporary Gantry Crane erection for Gen Stator lift
B64 - STG - Temporary Gantry Crane erection for Gen Stator lift
B64 - STG - Temporary Gantry Crane erection for Gen Stator lift
B64 - STG - Temporary Gantry Crane erection for Gen Stator lift
B64 - STG - Temporary Gantry Crane erection for Gen Stator lift
B64 - STG - Temporary Gantry Crane erection for Gen Stator lift
B64 - STG - Temporary Gantry Crane erection for Gen Stator lift
B64 - STG - Temporary Gantry Crane erection for Gen Stator lift
B64 - STG - Temporary Gantry Crane erection for Gen Stator lift
B64 - STG - Temporary Gantry Crane erection for Gen Stator lift
B64 - STG - Temporary Gantry Crane erection for Gen Stator lift
B64 - STG - Temporary Gantry Crane erection for Gen Stator lift
B64 - STG - Temporary Gantry Crane erection for Gen Stator lift
B64 - STG - Temporary Gantry Crane erection for Gen Stator lift
B64 - STG - Temporary Gantry Crane erection for Gen Stator lift
B64 - STG - Temporary Gantry Crane erection for Gen Stator lift
B64 - STG - Temporary Gantry Crane erection for Gen Stator lift
B64 - STG - Temporary Gantry Crane erection for Gen Stator lift
B63 - STH Main Lube oil room construction
B63 - STH Baby turbines structure construction
B64 - LP turbine view
B64 - LP turbine view
B64 - Rotor view
B64 - HP turbine view
B64 - Power Train view
B64 - Power Train view
B64 - GEN Cooling sealing Unit
B68 - Main Transformer Area view

1 comment:

  1. Dear:
    We are a company from China called “China Energy Engineering Group Jiangsu No.1 Electric Power Construction Co.,Ltd.” (abbreviation: CEEC-JEPCC1). There are some construction projects undertook by our company in Serbia.

    It's about 105 kilometers from Belgrade airport in capital. This project will build a 350MW lignite-fired supercritical unit with a full set of ancillary systems.

    We intend to invite your company to participate in the generator stator lifting of this power plant.If your company is interested in participating in the construction of this project, please contact me through the following ways.

    Attachment is some document about generator stator lifting.Please download it in the attachment.

    Please give me a reply as soon as possible.Thank you.
