15 May, 2017


B68 - Main Trafo Area - Bus ducts erection activities
 B30 - CEB External view from South side
 B30 - CEB External view North side
B30 - CEB External view North side - cable rack foundation construction 
B30 - CEB Electrical panels energized
B30 - CEB Electrical panels energized
F05 - 115kV Swyr Substation view from CEB
 F05 - 115kV Swyr Substation view from CEB
F05 - 230kV Swyr Substation view from CEB
F05 - 115kV Swyr Substation view from CEB
B63 - STH External view from West side
B63 - STH Loading Bay Civil construction activities
 B63 - STH Lube oil Room Civil construction activities
B63 - STH Baby turbines Civil construction activities
B63 - STH view at +16.00m from South side
B63 - SWSC Ammonia dosing Skid and Oxygen scavenger and local cabinet
B63 - STH Main Condenser Extraction Pumps
B64 - STG GEN Cooling / Sealing Equipment
B64 - STG GEN Cooling / Sealing Equipment
B63 - STH Condenser Water Boxes erection activities
B63 - STH WSC Piping works activities 
B63 - STH Cable trays erection activities
B63 - STH Cable trays erectioon activities
 B64 - STG GEN view
B64 - STG Lube oil piping erection activities
B64 - STG Lube oil piping erection activities
B95 - Condensate Polishing Plant Construction
 B95 - Condensate Polishing Plant Construction
B89 - Compressed gas storage House Construction
B63 STH & B01 Boiler Interconecting Piping works activities
B01 - Boiler External view from South side
B01 - Boiler Pulverizers Area view from South side
B01 - Boiler Pulverizers Area view 
C01 - Fuel oil tank erection activities
Boiler - STH - CEB - Fuel Oil Tank and Pipe rack view from North
STH - CEB - Fuel Oil Tank  - Swyr and Pipe rack view from North
 Boiler - STH - CEB - Fuel Oil Tank - Compressor Bldg.- Coal Tower and Pipe rack view from North
Boiler - STH - CEB - Fuel Oil Tank -  Pipe rack - Compressor Bldg.and Coal Tower view from North
Boiler - BEB - Pipe rack - Coal Tower and Ash Area view from North
Boiler - BEB - Pipe rack - Coal Tower and Ash Area view from North
Boiler - BEB and Pipe rack view from North
Boiler - ESP - WFGD and BOP view from North-West   

Boiler - ESP - WFGD - Ash Area and BOP view from North-West
Ash Area - Pipe Rack - ESP - WFGD and BOP view from North-West
Ash Area - Pipe rack and WFGD view from North-West

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