13 August, 2018


Plant view from West side
Plant view from North-West side
Plant view from South-West side
B63 - STH area view from South-East side
B63 - STH area view from North-East side
B63 - STH West side area civil work activities
B01 - Boiler area view from South-East side
B01 - Boiler elevator structure wall cladding erection activities
B01 - Boiler North side PA & FD Fans area road work activities
B06 - Boiler Coal Bunker view from North side
B30 - CEB Electrical Bldg. area view from South-East side
B95 - Condensate Polishing Plant view from South-East side
B07 - ESP area view from South-West side
B07 - ESP area view from South-East side
WFGD area view from South-East side
WFGD area view from North-West side
WFGD area view from North side
WFGD area view from East side
L04 - WFGD Pump Bldg. area view from South-East side
L04 - WFGD Pump Bldg. area view from East side
L04 - WFGD Pump Bldg. area view from North-West side
L06 - WFGD Electrical Bldg. view from North-West side
L06 - WFGD Electrical Bldg. view from South-West side
L07 - WFGD Service Bldg. area view from North-East side
L07 - WFGD Service Bldg. area view from West side
L07 - WFGD Service Bldg. gypsum storage area view
L09 - WFGD Auxiliary Storage Tank area view from South-West side
L24 - WFGD Ducts area civil work activities
D06 - Ash Transfer Tower area view from West side
D23 - Ash Receiving Station area view from South-West
D30 - Ash Loading Station area view from North-West
D08 - Ash Sub-Distribution Bldg. area view from South-East side
B94 - Air Preheater Washing Basin area view from South-East side
B94 - Air Preheater Washing Basin wall coating activities
C08 - Lignite Sub-Distribution Bldg. area view from South-West side
L15 - Gypsum Transfer Tower area view from East side
G42 - Fire Fighting Pump Station view from South-West side
E06 - Cooling Water Treatment Bldg. area view from South-West side
E07 - Cooling Water Electrical Bldg. area view from South-West side
Plant North side of Boiler Electrical Bldg. area road & civil work activities
Plant North side of Chemical Bulk Storage Bldg. area civil work activities
Plant North-West side of WFGD Pump Bldg. area drainage work activities
Plant South-West side of WFGD Pump Bldg. area drainage work activities
Plant South side of CEB Electrical Bldg. area drainage work activities

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