18 November, 2015


View West from newly cut Client forest area - proposed +100k m2 of lay down

Main Lay down and prefabrication area still under preparation by client

Curing main Bunker Steel Structure Pedestals before protective coating

Boiler Zone D - SSC foundation works in progress 

Final cleaning and touch up of Boiler Main Steel Pedestals before back fill 
Final preparations for remaining 2 No. Coal Mills

Zone B - North - Main Boiler steel - Complete & B/Fill started

Zone B - North - Main Boiler steel - Complete & B/Fill started

Boiler Zone A Coal Mills & Main Steel - UG Network Pit foundations started

Boiler Zone C - Air Pre-heater & FGD Ducts 
- B17 Ducts to ESP in foreground

B63 STH - Main foundation Excavation & Piles cut to C.O.L on CW pipe section

CW Pipe foundation View East to ACC Plant 

 CW Pipe foundation View West along Boiler

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