07 June, 2016


Toolbox Narawat
Boiler View to North
Boiler View to West 
 Boiler View to South West
Ductwork Ground Fabricaton Area
Pressure Part ground fabrication - R08 Header Terminal Tube welding
Pressure Part ground fabrication - backpass wall panel buckstay installation 
Pressure Part backpass wall ground fabrication 
 Boiler View to North West
Boiler Pulverizers View to North - Coal Pipe staging
 B63 STH View to North
 B63 STH Steel Structure East - View to South
 B64 STG View to South
 B63 STH - Steel Erection West View to South
B30 CEB View to South West
B35 BEB View to South East
 B07 ESP West Side View to North
B07 ESP East Side View to North
WFGD Area View to South
WFGD Area View to West
CW Pipes to Cooling Tower view to South
CW Pipes to Pump Station View to South
 CW Pipes Cofferdam View to West
CW Pipe trust block north of WFGD Area
 Underground storage tanks (L60/E10/G40) view to East 

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