18 June, 2016


Boiler view to West over mills bay
 RAPH View to North
 B63 STH View to North
B95 Polishing plant view to north - lean concrete and pile head preparation in progress 
B64 STG East view to South
B64 STG West view to South
 B35 BEB View to South
Electrical Netowork mills bay to pipe rack 
B68 SST Transformer foundation
 B07 ESP Foundation West View to North
B07 ESP Foundation East View to North 
WFGD Area view to East
L10  Booster Fan foundation view to North
Electrical Network CW EB (E07) to Stack  (B02)
CV Pipe return line to Cooling Tower

E04 Cooling Tower View to East
E07 - CW EB View to South 
CW pipes trust block in front of pump station 
CW Pipes to Cooling tower & pump station 
CW Pipe last trust block on the east edge - view to West  
Underground Tanks Area L60 / E10 / G40 
D30 Ash Loading Station View to West 
B02 Stack roof Steelworks erection

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