11 June, 2016


 Boiler Mills bay view from West
Boiler Air Preheater View to West   
Boiler View to North West
North of Boiler, Air Duct sections ready for lift
Boiler Furnace cavity - Hot Primary Air Duct erection progress View to South 
 Boiler Furnace Main Girders 
Boiler Furnace cavity - Hot Primary Air Duct erection progress View to North  
 Boiler Air Preheater 
Laydown Area 1 - Ductwork ground fabrication 
Laydown area 3 view to South
B01 Boiler  PA & FD Area foundations south-view to east 
B01 Boiler Electrical network north 
B63 STH View to north
B63 STH View to South 
B63 STH View to South  
B64 STG Top view  
 B63 STH View to North 
B63 STH &  B95 Polishing plant view to South
B63 STH West Steel structure view to South  
 B63 STH East Steel structure view to South 
 B30 CEB View to West  
  B30 CEB View to South  
B35 BEB View to East 
B35 BEB View to East
WFGD Area View to east 
WFGD Area View to east 
WFGD area view to North East 
WFGD - L10 Boosters Fan foundation view to North 
 B07 ESP Foundations view to East
B07 ESP Foundations view to North 
B68 Tranformers area Electrical networks view to West
B68 Tranformers area Electrical networks view to East
B68 SST area View to North
 H03 Pipe Rack Steel Structure North of Boiler installation in progress
 CW Pipes Cofferdam View to East - backfill in progress 
E04 Cooling Tower view to East
H02 Electrical Network to Stack 
B02 Stack Steelworks erection 
 E07 CW Electrical building foundation
 CW Pipe to Cooling Tower South
CW Pipes to Pump Station & return line View to East 
 CW Pipes Cofferdam Trust block north of WFGD form-work removal 
CW Pipes to Pump Station View to South 
 CW Pipes Cofferdam View to West 
Underground storage tanks (L60/E10/G40) view to East 

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