28 June, 2016


Panoramic View to South
Boiler view to South
Boiler pressure part installation
Boiler Backpass Pressure part support steel 
Boiler Furnace Main girders 
Boiler Air Ducts South  
Boiler Air Ducts North
LB Steam Piping installation 
Air Heater View to East 
Site View to South - STH / CEB 
B63 STH View to South
B30 CEV & F05 SY Area View to South 
H03 Pipe Rack and B35 CEB View to South 
ECS Area - WFGD & ESP Foundations View to South East 
CW Pipes View to East  
Overall Site View to East 
B07 - ESP Foundations View to East  
Laydown area 3 - Ductworks and pressure parts ground fabrication
 B94 STG Foundation view to West
 B94 STG Foundation view to West

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