30 September, 2016


 B63 STH - Underground works
B63 STH  gratings Lev.+6.00m
B30 CEB View to North West
 B35 BEB - Area View to West
ESP - Steel Structure Installation View to South 
WFGD - Duct #1&2 ground fabrication  
WFGD L06 Electrical Bldg Foundations View to North 

28 September, 2016

28.09.16 Aerial Pictures

 Overview to South East
 Overview to North East
 Overview to North East
 Overview to North
 Boiler & STH Overview to North
 B63 STH View to North
  B63 STH View to East
 B63 STH Top View
 B63 STH & B30 CEB View to South
B30 CEB, B68 Tafo Area & F05 SY Area View to South West 
B63 STH, B68 Tafo Area & F05 SY Area View to South West 
 B35 BEB & H03 Pipe Rack view  to South East

27 September, 2016

27.09.16 Aerial Pictures

 Overall Site Overview to West
Site Overview to West 
Site Top View 
Site Overview To North West 
 Laydown Areas 1,2 & 3 Top View
Laydown Area 7 View to North
 Site Overview View to North West
 Site Overview View to North East
Demin Plant Area View to North 
Underground Water Storage Tanks View to West  
WFGD Area View to South West 
 Boiler Area View to South West 
WFGD/ESP Area View to South
WFGD L07 Service Bldg View to South 
Cooling Tower & Underground Storage Tanks View to South East  

23 September, 2016


Boiler Overview to North West

Boiler View to West
Boiler Furnance roof panels and walls panels installation

FD Fan Foundation North
B63 STH GL12 View to North West
B63 STH GL12 View to North

B63 STH View to South

B30 Central Electrical Building View to South West
B68 GSUT Transformer Foundation View to North
B68 SST Transformer Foundation View to East
B07 - ESP Steel Structure Installation View to South
WFGD - Duct #1&2 ground fabrication
D20 Fly Ash Compressor Bldg foundation view to West
WFGD Area - L04 Pump Building Foundations View to South West
WFGD Area - L48 GGH Pit
WFGH Area - Absorber embedded ring 
WFGD Area - L04 Electrical Building View to North
WFGD Area - L07 Service building foundation ready for pouring
WFGD - Duct #4 ground fabrication

WFGD Area - L24 FGD Foundations South East Side in Progress
E12 CW Pump Station Slab
Underground Tanks area View to North East
E06 Circulating Water Treatment and Filtration Bldg
E04 / E12 Cooling Tower and Pump House View to East
Stack Steel Liner Installation started