13 September, 2016


Central Electrical Building, Steam Turbine Hall & Boiler View to South East
Steam Turbine Hall & Boiler View to East
Boiler View from Air heater side
Boiler Air Preheater
Boiler Furnace opening View to North
Boiler Furnace opening View to North
Boiler Furnace opening headers getting ready to be lift
Boiler backpass and furnace hanging pressure part
FD Fan Foundation South
B63 STH View to South
B63 STH Grid line 12 in progress
 B63 STH daily log board
 B64 STG View to East
 B64 STG View to North
 B64 STG View to South - Generator Brgs embeddements
 B64 STG View to North -
 B64 STG View to North - 
 B63 STH Internal Steel Structure installation North Side
 B64 STG Lev.14.HP Turbine Brgs embedments installation
 B64 STG Lev.14.LP Turbine area
  B64 STG Lev.14.LP Turbine area
B63 STH Overhead Crane
 B30 CEB View to North West
B35 CEB View to West
 WFGD - Duct #1&2 ground fabrication - First Vertical Sheet installed
WFGD - L10 Blow Off Fan Foundations view to north
WFGD - L07 Service Building rebar in progress L06 FGD Electrical Building pile head cutting in progress
WFGD - L04 Pump Building foundations
D20 Fly Ash compressor Building foundation

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