16 September, 2016

16.09.16 Aerial Pictures

 Overview to North
 Overview to North East
 Overview to East
 Overview to North West 
 Overview to West
 Overview to South East
 Overview to East

Boiler & Steam Turbine Hall View to North 
Boiler & Steam Turbine Hall View to South
 Boiler Overview to South West
Boiler Air Preheater and B35 BEB area View to South West
B63 STH & B30 CEB View to South
B63 STH View to North 
B64 STG Table top close up view to North
B30 Central Electrical Building View to South 
B63 Steam Turbine Hall View to South 
F05 SWY West of SST foundations
WFGD & ESP Area View to South 
B07 ESP Foundation view to North East 
WFGD Area View ot North 
WFGD - Duct #4 ground fabrication
WFGD L07 Service Building Area View to South 
Cooling Tower & Underground Tanks Area View to South  
Cooling Tower & Underground Tanks Area View to North East
Demin Water Production & Storage Ares View to North
Laydown Area 3 View to North - Boiler Prefab Area 
Laydown Area 1,2 & 3 View to West
Laydown Area 7 View to South East

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