08 September, 2016


 B63 STH View to North 
 Boiler Air Heaters View to North West
 B07 ESP Foundation View to North West
 B10 ID Fan Foundation rebar started
 WFGD - Duct #1&2 ground fabrication
 B17 FGD Outlet Foundation rebar in progress 
 L10 Blow Off Fan Foundations view to north 
 WFGD - Duct #4 ground fabrication 
 CW Pipe - Return line south of Cooling Tower backfill
 L60 / E10 /G40 Underground storage tanks area view to South West  
 WFGD L04 Pumps Building Foundations View to South 
 Boiler Overview to South West
 B35 BEB View to South West
 B63 STH View to South East
B30 CEB View to South East

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