01 September, 2016


 Steam Turbine Hall & Boiler View to North East - 2 additional bays trusses (8 & 9) erected in Turbine hall 
B63 STH - Overview to North West 
Boiler Overview to West  
WFGD Ducts ground fabrication   
CW Pipe south of Cooling Tower ready for backfill 
Underground tanks Area View to South West  

L07 WFGD Service Building foundation 
Boiler and Pipe Rack View to West 
D20 Fy Ash Compressor Bldg View to West 
Boiler Air Preheater View to West 
 B07 ESP Foundations View to South
B01 FD Fan Foundation North Pouring 
B35 BEB Backfill 
 Boiler Furnace Cavity view to South

B63 STH View to South 
B30 CEB View to South 

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