05 September, 2016


Overall View to East over Central Electrical Building, Steam Turbine Hall & Boiler
Boiler Lateral View to North  
 Boiler Pressure Part - Economizer Reheat Panels erection
 Boiler Pressure Part - Economizer Reheat Panels erection
Boiler Air Preheater View to North-West
 B63 STH Grid Line 11 Steel Erection in progress 

B63 STH Steel Structure Grid line 1 in progress
B30 CEB View to South - Lev 4.00 first half of the slab poured on 
B30 CEB View to South - Lev 4.00 second half pouring planned on 7th September
B35 - BEB Backfilling in progress
B07 ESP South foundation take over in progress
B10 ID Fan Foundation South in rebar & formwork in progress
WFGD - Duct #1&2 ground fabrication 
WFGD Embedded ring welding works in progress
WFGD - Duct #1&2 ground fabrication 
WFGD - L10 Booster Fan Foundation completed
WFGD - Duct #4 ground fabrication 
WFGD - L07 Service Building View to North - substructure rebar in progress, south side pile cut started
WFGD - L07 Service Building View to East
WFGD - L04 Pump Building Foundations View to West
F05 HV Switch-yard view to North - excavation in progress
B68 SST Tranformers foundation View to North East
B68 GSUT Tranformers Foundation  - View to South
E04 - E12 Cooling Tower and Pumping Station View to East

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