29 August, 2016


Boiler Overview to West
Air Heater View to South West 
Boiler Pressure Part-upper back pass rear & left wall panels 
Boiler hanging Pressure Part installation
Steam Turbine Hall & Boiler View to North East
B63 STH View to North
B63 STH Underground installation in progress 
B63 STH Underground installation in progress 
 B30 Central Electrical Building in progress
 B35 Boiler Electrical Building View to West 
 B35 Boiler Electrical Building View to East 
B07 ESP Foundation South - Foundation CTO in progress 
B07 ESP Foundation North - Depac Foundation in progress  
L04 Pumps Building view to West - foundation in progress
 L07 Service Building rebar in progress 
WFGD Absorber embedded ring in progress  
 WFGD Duct ground assembly
B10 Booster Fan foundation    
WFGD Overview to West 
B10 ID Fan Foundations View to West
D20 Fly ash compressor bldg rebar in progress
H03 Pipe Rack Steel Structure View to North West 
B68 GSUT Foundations view to South 
CW Pumps above ground connection

24 August, 2016

24.08.16 Aerial Pictures


Boiler view from Air preheater back end
 Boiler Pressure Part-upper backpass rear & left wall panels 
 Boiler Pressure Part-upper backpass rear & left wall panels
 B63 STH View to North East - OH Crane moved to next bay to allow access to STG table top
B63 STH/B63STG  View to North, repaired STG column reaching table top level
B63 STH View to South - Steel Structure in progress
B63 STH North side substructure activities resumed
B63 STH North side substructure activities resumed
B30 CEB View to South 
B35 BEB Electrical network backfilling in progress
B35 BEB Electrical network interface
B07 ESP South CTO in progress
B07 ESP Foundation and Depac North side
L04 FGD pump building rebar in progress
L07 WFGD Service building pile head preparation & rebar in progress
WFGD Absorber embedded ring installation in progress
WFGD Ductworks ground assembly
B10 ID Fans foundation activities started
 B68 GSUT foundation getting ready for rebar
 B68 UAT Foundation pedestal & containment walls in progress
F05 SST Switchyard excavated 
 Drainage works South of HV Switchyard
D08 Ash sub-distribution bldg rebar in progress
E07 Electrical Building for CW
E04 Cooling Tower View to East