08 August, 2016


 Boiler & Pipe Rack View to West
 Pulverizers erection continue
  Boiler View to West
 B63 STH View to South
 B94 STG Foundation view to South
 B63 STH View to North
 B95 Polishing plant backfill started
 B63 STH Overhead Crane ground assembly
 B63 STH Overhead Crane ground assembly
 B30 CEB View to South Superstructure continues
 B30 CEB View to South Superstructure continues
 B35 View to West
 B07 ESP Area - DEPAC slabs view to North
 B07 ESP Foundation view to South
 WFGD Absorber embedded ring installation
 WFGD Area - L07 Foundation pile cutting in progress
 WFGD Area View to South West
 G42 Fire Fighting & Cooling Tower Pumping station basement in progress
 G42 Fire Fighting & Cooling Tower Pumping station basement in progress

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