03 August, 2016


 Boiler Air Heater View to North
 Boiler Overall View to North West
 Boiler Overall View to West
 Pulverisers view to South
 Pulverizers assembly continues
 Boiler backpass pressure part
 Coal Silos Tripper Deck in progress 
 Coal Silos Feeder Deck in progress 
 Boiler furnace links
  Boiler Furnace links & backpass pressure part in the background
Air Duct installation in progress
 Coal Piping installation
 LB Piping installation
PA & FD Fans foundations North
 PA & FD Fans foundations South  
B63 STH View to North 
B64 STG View to North West 
B63 STH View to South 
B95 Polishing Plant View to North West 
B95 Polishing Plant View to South West  
B94 STG View to West 
B63 STH preparation for overhead crane erection 
B63 STH preparation for overhead crane erection
B63 STH View to South West 
B30 CEB View to West
B30 CEB View to North 

B30 CEB View to South - Casted columns 
B35 CEB View to West
B35 CEB View to East - Cable duct in progress
 B07 ESP Area North Side - blinding for DEPAC foundation
B07 ESP foundations view to East 
B07 ESP South Side - DEPAC foundation rebar in progress
 L24 GGH Area backfill
Absober embedded ring preparation for erection 
L04 Pump building foundations rebar 
L07 WFGD Service building pile head preparation 
L10 Booster fans foundations View to West 
WFGD Area overall View to East 
L43 Absorber recycle piping foundation 
L10 Booster fans foundations 
Absober embedded ring preparation for erection 

L07 WFGD Service building pile head preparation
 E04 Cooling Tower View to East 
 Underground tanks View to East
H03 Pipe rack Steel structure in progress 
B68 SST View to North, wall rebar started 
B68 GSUT Area View to North, pile head cutting

B68 GSUT Area View to West

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