22 August, 2016


 Boiler View to East - Air heater Structure in progress
 Boiler Pressure Part-upper backpass rear wall panels 
 Boiler Ductworks installation in progress - View to North
 Boiler View to West - Air heater installation in progress
 Boiler FD Fan Foundation North superstructure in progress

B63 STH View to East
 B63 STH View to North, backfill in progress on polishing plant area 
 B63 STH View to South
 B64 STG Soffit View to South
 B30 CEB View to South
 B35 CEB backfilling of Cable ducts and pits almost completed
 B07 ESP Foundations View to North - Depac foundations completed
 B07 ESP foundations View to South - Depac foundations in progress

 WFGD Ductwork ground assembly commenced on 20th August
 B10 ID Fan Foundation view to East
 WFGD Absorber embedded ring installation in progress
 300Ton Crane mobilized for WFGD installation
 L04 FGD Pump Bldg view to West - Rebar in progress 
 WFGD Area Overview to South West
 L07 WFGD Service Building pile head preparation
 Underground Storage tanks Area View to East 
 H03 pipe Rack Steel Structure installation in progress
 WFGD Ceremony for erection start
 WFGD Ceremony for erection start 
 WFGD Ceremony for erection start
 WFGD Ceremony for erection start
 WFGD Ceremony for erection start
 WFGD Ceremony for erection start
 WFGD Ceremony for erection start

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