05 October, 2016


 Site Overview to East
Boiler Overview to North West 
Boiler  SCR Outlet Duct
Boiler  SCR Outlet Duct 
Boiler PA & FD fan Area South side 
Boiler Furnace View 
Boiler backpass view 
B01  FD Fan South
B01 FD Fan North Foundation
B63 STH View to North 
B63 STH View to North 
B63 STH - GL 1-2 Drainages 
B63 STH - GL 3-4 MDFP Foundations
 B63 STH - GL 4-5 Underground works
 B64 STG Soffit
B63 STH View to South 
Mains Steam Piping Boiler to STH 
B30 CEB View to North East
B30 CEB View to South 
B30 CEB Dry Trafo's area 
B30 CEB  Cable Trays Post Installation
B30 CEB  Cable Trays Post Installation 
B30 CEB  Cable Trays Post Installation 
B30 CEB  Masonry 
B35 BEB Interface - View to South 
B35 BEB - View to West  
B35 BEB Interface - View to South  East 
F05 SST S/Y Area View to North 
B68 SST Foundation
B68 GSUT Transofrmer Foundation View to South West  
B07 ESP View to South Steel Erection in Progress 
ESP Hoppers Ground fabrication 
ESP Hoppers Ground fabrication 
WFGD - Duct #1&2 ground fabrication
WFGD L04 Pump Bldg Foundations View to East  

WFGD L06 Electrical  Bldg 
WFGD - Absorber area view to West 
WFGD - Duct #4 ground fabrication 
 WFGD L07 Service Building Foundation View to North 
WFGD L24 FGD Foundation south of  Booster Fans
WFGD - Duct #1&2 ground fabrication 
B10 ID Fan Foundations View to North  
B10 ID Fan Foundations View to South 
D20 Fly Ash Compressor Bldg Foundation
B02 Stack Steel Liner Erection 
Cooling Tower & Pump Station view to East

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