07 October, 2016

07.10.16 Aerial Pictures

 Steam Turbine Hall View to East 
 Boiler & STH Top View
 Boiler View to West
 Boiler Air Preheaters Top view
 ECS Area & Cooling Tower View to East
 Top Overview West
 Top Overview East
 B64 STG Table Top pouring View to East
 Central Electrical Bldg View to North East
 B64 STG Table Top pouring View to North
 STH View to North
 STH View to North West
 Boiler & STH View to North
 ECS Areas View to East
 ECS Area & cooling Tower View to North East
 ESP - Steel Erection View to North East
 WFGD - ID Fan Foundations View to North
 WFGD - Absorber Tower embedments and ductworks
 WFGD - Booster Fans Foundation
 WFGD - Electrical Bldg & Service Bldg View to North 
 Laydown Area 7 View to East
 Laydown Area 1,2&3 View to South
 Laydown areas 1,2&3 View to South West

 Boiler Pressure Part fabrication
ESP Hoppers ground fabrication
 Cooling Tower & Underground Tanks Area View to East

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