31 October, 2016


  Boiler Pressure Part installation
 Boiler Pressure Part installation - Furnace 
  Boiler Pressure Part installation - Backpass
 FW Tank preparation for lifting

 B64 STG foundation, condenser side soffitt stripped
 B63 STH Offloading bay
 B63 STH GL 1-2 Slab in progress
 B63 STH GL 2-3 Undergrounds in progress
 B63 STH GL 3-4 Area in progress
 B63 STH GL 4-5 Area in progress
 B30 CEB Cable Trays installation
 B30 CEB View to North
 B35 BEB View to West Ground Beams in progress
 B35 BEB View to East Ground Beams in progress
B68 GSUT Transformers Foundations
 ESP Steel Structure Installation 
 ESP Hoppers Ground Fabrication Area
  B10 ID Fans Foundation View to North
 B10 ID Fans Foundation View to South
 WFGD Ductworks
 WFGD L07 Service Bldg  foundations View to North
 WFGD L04 Pumps Bldg foundations View to West 
 Stack Steel liners installation 
 Stack Steel liners installation
 E06 CW Filtration bldg foundation
 E04 Cooling Tower View to East
 D20 Fly Ahs compressor Bldg Foundation View to West
 H03 Overview to West of  Pipe Rack steel
 H03 Piper Rack BOP Piping installation

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