28 October, 2016

28.10.16 Aerial October end

 General Overview, MMO all Units
 Overview MMO, Plant + Laydowns
 Overview Power Block from South West
  Overview Power Block from South West
  Overview Power Block from North West
  Overview Power Block from West
  Sky View Power Block: Trafos, CEB, Turbine Hall, Boiler, ESP
 Sky View Back end: Boiler, ESP, WFGD
 ESP, Boiler View from North East
 Boiler side view from North
 Boiler side view from North: PA/FD fan foundations, BEB
 Boiler Side View from South
  Boiler Side View from South : Cavity & Back Pass entrances
  Boiler Side View from South : PA/FD fans
 Turbine Hall from North
 Turbine Hall from North: +14 m level : Turbine Table
 Turbine Hall From West
 Turbine Hall From West: Turbine Table side View
 Turbine Hall from South West
 Turbine Hall from South 
 Turbine Hall from South : +14 m level: Turbine Table
Boiler Electrical Building: 60 % Tie Beams casted on 26th Oct
Central Electrical Building: Soffit 3rd Level on going (+11.50 m)
Central Electrical Building: Soffit 3rd Level on going (+11.50 m)
Central Electrical Building: plan to cast half slab on 31st oct
Bird View of CEB, Trafos & Switch Yard
GSUT Transformer foundations
Switch Yard & SST Transformers fondations
Condenser necks under welding
ESP area: ID Fans & WFGD absorber ring
WFGD area

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