17 October, 2016


HP Feed-water Heaters delivery
 Condenser Additional deliveries
 Boiler view to North West
 Boiler Air Preheater view
 Boiler Pressure Part - Furnace on the left
  Boiler Pressure Part - Backpass on the right
 Main Steam Pipes Boiler to STH 
 Boiler FD Foundation North
 B63 STH View to North
 B63 STH View to South
 B63 STH GL1-2 View to East - CCW Exchanger area
  B63 STH GL2-3 View to East - CCW Pumps & FW Booster Pump  Area
  B63 STH GL3-4 View to East -  MFW Pump Foundation 
  B63 STH GL4-5 View to East -  LP3 Heater Drain Recovery Pumps & FW Booster Pump Area 
 600T crane preparation for boom down
 B30 CEB View to North
 B30 CEB View to South
 B30 CEB Lifeline Safety Tag
 B30 CEB - Dry Transformers area
 B30 CEB - Lev 0.00 Cable trays works 
 B35 BEB View to East
 ESP Steel View to North
 ESP Steel View to South
 ESP Hoppers ground fabrication
  ESP Hoppers ground fabrication
 B10 ID Fan foundation View to North
 B10 ID Fan foundation View to South
  WFGD - Duct #1&2 ground fabrication
WFGD -  Absorber embedded ring
 WFGD Area View to East
WFGD - E06 CW filtration building foundation
 WFGD L07 Service Bldg View to North
 WFGD L04 Pump Bldg View to South West
 B68 GSUT Tranformer Foundation view to North East
 B68 GSUT Trafo foundation View to South
 B68 SST Foundations View to North
F05 - SY For SST View to North 
 Stack steel liner installation
  Stack steel liner installation
 E04 Cooling Tower View to East

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