14 October, 2016

14.10.16 Aerials

Overview to West
Overview to East 
Boiler View of Tier 6 & pressure part lifting jacks view to south
 Top View of SY & Trafo's Area
B30 CEB & B63 STH View to South East 
 B63 STH & B30 CEB View to South
B35 BEB View to South 
PA&FD Fan Foundation & B35 BEB View to South 
Boiler View to South West 
ESP & WFGD View to South 
WFGD View to South  
Underground Tanks Area and CT view to South East  
ESP & WFGD View to South West 
G05 Demi Water Plant 
Laydown area 7 View to North 
 B63 STH & Boiler View to North
 B63 STH View to North 
 B64 STG Table Top View to North 
 Overview to North East
 Overall View to East
 Laydown Areas 1,2 & 3 View to East
 Stack Steel Liner, ESP Hoppers, Boiler Pressure Part Ground Fabrication (from east to west) View to North
 Plant Overview to North
 ESP Steel Structure View to North East
 Boiler View to North West
 Overview to East 

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