14 November, 2016

14.11.16 Aerials

 Overview to South East
 Overview to North East
Boiler View to North West 
Boiler View to West - Air Preheaters 
Boiler view to West 
Boiler PA & FD Fan North 
Boiler Pulverizer View to South 
 B63 STH View to North East
 B63 STH View to South
B63 STH View to South Lev.+14.00 
B63 STH View to South Lev.+6.00  
 B95 Condensate Polishing plant
 B30 CEB View to North
  B30 CEB View to South
B35 BEB View to East 
B35 BEB Top View
ESP & WFGD Area View to South West 
ESP & WFGD Area View to South
 ESP Steel Structure  & ID Fan Foundations Top View
WFGD  & ID Fan Foundations View to East
Laydown Area 1,2 & 3  East Part View to South - ESP Prefab zone  
Laydown Area 1,2 & 3  Central Part View to South - Boiler Prefab zone 
 Laydown Area 1,2 & 3  West Part View to South - Boiler Prefab zone 
Laydown  Area 7 View to East
Cooling Tower & Underground Storage Tanks View to South 
H03 - Pipe rack View to East 
H03 - Pipe rack View to East 

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