28 November, 2016


Boiler Furnace View - Steam Cooled Spacer Tube Installation In Progress 
FD Fan Installation North Started
Secondary Air Duct to APH Erection in Progress
Boiler Air Heater / SCR Erection in Progress
ESP Ground Fabrication Works in Progress
Condenser skidding preparation
B63 STH Loading bay preparation for receiving Generator Lifting device
B30 BEB View to North East
B30 CEB View to South
B35 BEB View to East
WFGD Area View to North West
WFGD E07 Service Bldg View to North
WFGD Absorber Erection
WFGD E04 Pumps Bldg  foundations View to West
B10 FGD Outlet Foundation view to south 
UAT Tranformer
GSUT Transformers installation
H03 Pipe Rack View to East
E06 CW Filtration Bldg steel structure erection
Stack Painting

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