16 November, 2016


 Boiler View to West - SCR 1st layer Erection in Progress
 Flash Tank and FTDT Erected - Start Up System Piping Erection in Progress
 S-08 Extended Backpass Floor Ground Fabricated with the S-09 Header transported into cavity
 Boiler FD Fan South erection
 Boiler Extended Pass and Furnace View will all Pendents Erected
 S-08 Extended Backpass Floor Offloading in Progress Inside Cavity

 Pulv. Bay View Looking South - All Platforms Installed
 Coal Pipe Erection In Progress - South side furnace cavity opening
 S-08 Extended Backpass Floor Offloading Activity

 Turbine Hall to Boiler Access View Looking North
 Primary Air Duct to APH Erection in Progress
 PA Fan (Southside) Foundation looking North - Steel Erection in Progress
B63 STH - LP3 LP4 LP Heaters B24 
 B64 STG Table Top Elephant foot installation

B64 STG Table Top View to North 
 HP1 and HP2 Heaters
 B64 STH Loading Bay View to East 

  B95 Polishing plant underground works
B30 CEB View to South
 B30 CEB Dry Transformers installation
B35 BEB View to East 
ESP Steel Structure erection
ESP hoppers ground fabrication 

ESP hoppers ground fabrication  
B10 ID Fan Foundation view to North
WFGD Ducting ground fabrication
WFGD Ducting ground fabrication 
WFGD Ducting ground fabrication 
WFGD L07 Service Bldg 
WFGD L10 Booster Fan foundation View to North
WFGD Area View to North West 
WFGD Absorber foundation 
WFGD Absorber foundation 

 B68 GSUT Transformers Foundation
 F05 SY View to North
SST Trafo arrived on site
E07 CW Electrical Bldg 

E04 Cooling Tower View to East 

Stack borosilicate

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