29 April, 2016


 Boiler View to Easst
Boiler Mills Bay view from South West
Boiler view to South West 
 Boiler view from back end 
Boiler Air Heater erection
Boiler Pulverizers in progress 
Boiler Pulverizers view to North 
B01 Boiler PA Fan Foundation north 
B01 Boiler FD Fan Foundation north
B63 STH View to North East

B63 STH View to North West
B63 STH Pedestal in progress 
B64 STG rebar for pile cap in progress
B30 CEB pile cap/foundation rebar in progress
Electrical Network to CEB South 
Electrical Network to CEB North
 B35 BEB Area
ECS: WFGD area civil works
 ECS, B07 ESP foundation pile cropping in progress 
 ECS, B07 ESP foundation pile cropping in progress   
 C01 FO Tank foundation rebar started
CW Pipe Trust block north of ESP rebar started 
CW Pipe North of Boiler backfill continues 
 D30 Ash Loading Station excavation started
Electrical Networks works to D08 Fly ash intermediate silo
Electrical Networks works to D08 Fly ash intermediate silo
Stack, slip form reached 116m

28 April, 2016


Boiler View to North
Boiler Pressure Part Ground Fabrication Area
Boiler Pressure Part Ground Fabrication Area
Boiler Pressure Part Ground Fabrication Area
B63 STH View to North
B64 STG View to North
B30 CEB View to North East
B30 CEB View to South East

27 April, 2016


Boiler View to West
  B63 STH Pedestals in progress
  B63 STH pedestals in progress
B63 STH Pile Cap PC A3
B63 STG Foundation in progress - View to North 
B63 STG Foundation in progress - View to North 
B30 CEB View to South West 
B30 CEB View to South East  
B30 CEB View toWest 
Electrical Network to CEB North
CW Pipes to Pump Station in progress 
CW Pipe cofferdam to Pump Station in progress 
C01 FO Tank foundation  


26 April, 2016


 Boiler View to North West
 Boiler Air Heater erection
  Boiler Air Heater erection
 Boiler View from Furnace Cavity to South, Air ducts erection on going
  Boiler View from Cavity towards Mill Bay
Mills overview 
  Boiler Mills from South, Mill top erection on going
  B63 STH View to North
B64 STG View to North
 B63 STH Pedestals in progress
 B63 STH Pedestals in progress
B63 STH Steel Structure Fire Coating in progress  
B30 CEB View to North East  
B30 CEB View to South East    
B30 CEB View to West 

WFGD foundations in progress