11 April, 2016


Boiler View to North East
Boiler View to East
Boiler view to West
Boiler Air Preheater view
Boiler view to West - Tier 4 Column installation
Boiler view to North West - Tier 4 Column installation
Boiler PA fan south
Pulverizers view to North
Coal Silos ground fabrication area
Duct section transport to site
Ducting ground fabrication
Bed for ground fabrication of Pressure parts
Bed for ground fabrication of Pressure parts
Bed for ground fabrication of Pressure parts
Ground fabrication of Pressure parts
Pulverizers view to South
B63 STH View to North West
B63 STH View to North East

B63 STH View to North

B64 STG Pile head preparation continue
B30 CEB 
H03 Pipe rack to CEB
Electrical network West of CEB
Electrical Network South of CEB
  WFGD Area excavation, pile head preparation and rebar in progress (H03/L24)
  WFGD Area excavation, pile head preparation and rebar in progress (H03/L24)
  WFGD Area excavation, pile head preparation and rebar in progress (H03/L24)
B07 - ESP foundations rebar started
B07 - ESP area pile head preparation
B07 - ESP area pile head preparation
B07 - ESP area excavation
CW Pipes view to west
CW Pipes Cofferdam to Pump Station view to south
CW Pipes view to east
 B02 Stack reached 89.2 meters on Saturday

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