25 April, 2016


Boiler, View from West - 2 Coal silos + 2 Coal Barrels erected during the week end (Sunday)
 Boiler View from South West, Tier # 4 & Tier #5 erection on going
 Boiler View from North, Air Heaters erection on going (400 T red Crane)
 Boiler View from North, Air ducts erection on going
 Boiler Mills from North, 3 mill top erected last week
 Boiler Mills from South, Mill top erection on going 
 Boiler View from Cavity towards Mill Bay
 Boiler Air Heater erection 
 Turbine Hall from South: Turbine Table (B64) pile cap rebars on going
 Turbine Hall from North: Pedestals to 0 level on going
 Central Electrical Building, B30, pile cap/foundation rebar progressing
 Boiler Electrical Building, not yet handed over
 Cooling Water pipe backfilling and trust blocks on going
 ECS, ESP fondation starting
 ESP 12 T tower crane base casted
 ECS: WFGD area civil works
Stack, slip form restarted last Friday

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