19 April, 2016


Boiler View to South East
Boiler Airpreheater view from back end 
Boiler furnace opening hanging structure view to North
 Boiler Mills Bay view from South West
Tier 5 Columns started   
Furnace cavity, Tier 5 Columns started
Boiler Pulverizers erection continue
Boiler PA fan area south 
Boiler PA fan area north 
 Ground fabrication of Pressure parts
Ground fabrication of Pressure parts 
Coal Silos/Air Duct ground fabrication area 
Coal Silos/Air Duct ground fabrication area  
Coal Silos/Air Duct ground fabrication area 
B63 STH View to north east
B64 STG Pile head preparation continue 
B63 STH View to north west 
B30 CEB view to North
 Electrical Netwrok to B30 CEB
 Electrical Netwrok to B30 CEB
B35 BEB 
B07 ESP Foundation
B07 ESP Foundation 
 B07 ESP Foundation
 B07 ESP Foundation
 WFGD Area excavation, and blinding in progress (H03/L24) 
 WFGD Area excavation, and blinding in progress (H03/L24)  
 WFGD Area excavation, blinding and formwork removal in progress (H03/L24)   

 E04 Cooling Tower view to East
B02 Chimney
CW Pipes Cofferdam to Pump Station view to North 
CW Pipes Cofferdam to Pump Station view to east   
CW pipe 3rd trust block area north of ESP

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