01 April, 2016


 Boiler Mills Bay view from South West - All Tier 3 Column erected
 Boiler Air preheater structure view from back end
Windbox connecting duct section 1 erection in progress - 3 prefabricated boxes erected
 Boiler furnace cavity opening suspended column erection
Bunker Bay view looking North preparation for bowl hub installation into millside assembly 
 Boiler Furnace Cavity
 B01 - PA & FD area south
250 Ton Crawler Crane Boom installation
250 Ton Crawler Crane Boom installation 
Coal Silo Barrel sections ground assembly area
Coal Silo Cones and Support Girders sections ground assembly area 
B63 STH View to North East 
B63  STH and B64 STG View to North 
B63 STH View to North West 
 B30 CEB
 B35 BEB Pile head preparation in progress
CW pipes north of Boiler backfill continues
 B07 - ESP area excavation 
 WFGD Area excavation and pile head preparation (H03/L24)
CW Pipe Cofferdam view to North 
 B02 Chimney
 E04 Cooling Tower view to East

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