21 April, 2016


Boiler Mills Bay view from South West
Boiler Mills Bay view from North West
Boiler Airpreheater Structure view from back end 
Boiler Airpreheater view
Boiler Pulverizer Separator Body(s) view to South
Boiler Pulverizer Separator Body(s) view to North
Windbox Connecting Duct Sect. 1 view to south
B63 STH Pedestals in progress (view to South)
B63 STH View to North West
B64 STG Area
B64 STG Pile head preparation
Electrical Network to CEB North
Electrical Network to CEB South

WFGD Area view to East
WFGD Area View to North
12 Ton Tower Crane WFGD area
B07 ESP Foundation 
B07 ESP Foundation 
C01 Fuel Oil Tank Foundation
CW Pipe trench backfilling
Electrical Network to D08 in progress
CW Pipes Cofferdam to Pump Station view to South 
CW Pipes Cofferdam view to West 
CW Pipes excavation to Pump Station
CW Pipes excavation to Pump Station
E04 Cooling Tower View to North
Underground storage tanks area (L60/E10/G40)

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