22 April, 2016

22.04.16 B30 CEB Rebar Started

Boiler Mills Bay view to East
Boiler view to West 
Windbox Connecting Duct Sect. 1 view to South West
Boiler Airpreheater Structure view from back end 
Airpreheater rotor post installation 
Windbox Connecting Duct Sect. 1 view to North
Boiler Pulverizer Separator Body(s) view to South 
Boiler Pulverizer Separator Top installation
Coal Silo Ground Fabrication area - girder installation 
 Boiler Pressure part prefabrication area
Boiler Pressure part prefabrication area Backpass wall
 Boiler Pressure part prefabrication area - Backpass wall lifting 
B63 STH View to North
B63 STH Pedestals view to South 
B63 STH Pedestals view to South  
B64 STG Foundation Rebars started 
 B64 STG Foundation Rebars started 
Electrical Network to B30 south 
B30 CEB View to south
WFGD area view to North 
12 Ton Tower Crane WFGD area 
B07 ESP Foundation  
  Electrical Network to D08 in progress
CW Pipes Cofferdam view to West  
E04 Cooling Tower View to West 


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