07 April, 2016


Boiler View to North East
Boiler View to South East
Boiler Air preheater structure view from back end
Boiler Furnace cavity 
Boiler Pulverizer view from North
Windbox connecting duct section 1 view to North
B01 - PA & FD area south  
B63 STH View to North 
B63 STH View to North West 
B63 STH View to South West
B64 SGT Foundation Pile head preparation 
B63 STH View to South East
H03 Pipe Rack to CEB 
Electrical network to CEB in progress 
B35 BEB pile head preparation in progress
Electrical Network to BEB in progress
  L09 Emergency scrubber dump foundation poured
  WFGD Area excavation, pile head preparation and rebar in progress (H03/L24)
 WFGD Area excavation and pile head preparation (H03/L24)
B07 - ESP area pile head preparation
B07 - ESP area ready for pile head preparation 
B07 - ESP area marked for excavation
B02 Chimney reached 81.6 meters, the target is to reach 89 meters by the 10th of April
CW pipe 3rd trust block north of ESP
CW Pipes view to west
CW Pipes Cofferdam to Pump Station view to North 
 Electrical Network to D08 
L15 Gypsum Transfer Tower foundations in progress 
L15 Gypsum Transfer Tower foundations in progress 
L15 Gypsum Transfer Tower foundations in progress 
Underground tanks area (L60/E12/G40) 

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