30 November, 2017


Plant view from South-West side
Plant West side area view from B01 - Boiler
B63 - STH roof top view from B01 - Boiler
B68 - Transfomer and F05 - 230 kV HV switchyards area view from B01 - Boiler
B35 - BEB Electrical Bldg. roof top view from B01 - Boiler
B01 - Boiler Submerged Scrapper Conveyor installation activities
B01 - Boiler Slag Conveyor civil work activities
B01 - Boiler Slag Conveyor civil work activities
G11 - Boiler Fire Fighting Pumping House civil work activities
G11 - Boiler Fire Fighting Pumping House civil work activities
B01 - Boiler insulation installation activities
B01 - Boiler lighting installation activities
B06 - Boiler Coal Bunker Station conveyor foundation view
B06 - Boiler Coal Bunker Station conveyor foundation view
B07 - ESP view from B01 - Boiler
B07 - ESP view from B01 - Boiler
B07 - ESP view from D01 - Fly Ash Silo Storage Tank
B17 - Flue Gas Ducts and structure erection activities
B17 - Flue Gas Ducts view from B01 - Boiler
WFGD area view from B01 - Boiler
L04 - WFGD Pumping Bldg. West side view from B01 - Boiler
L05 - WFGD Absorber / Reactor Tower view from D01 - Fly Ash Silo Storage Tank
L05 - WFGD Absorber / Reactor Tower view from B01 - Boiler
C01 - Fuel Oil Storage Tank and Auxiliary Steam piperack crossing view from B01 - Boiler
C01 - Fuel Oil Storage Tank view from B01 - Boiler
Auxiliary Steam piperack crossing from existing EGAT plant view
D06 - Ash Transfer Tower structure and H03 - Piperack view
D06 - Ash Transfer Tower structure erection activities
D01 - Fly Ash Silo Storage Tank area view from B01 - Boiler
D01 - Fly Ash Silo Storage Tank and H03 - Piperack view from B01 - Boiler
D01 - Fly Ash Silo Storage Tank equipment installation activities
D23 - Ash Receiving Station structure erection activities
D30 - Ash Loading Station structure erection activities
B94 - Air Pre-Heater Washing Basin civil work activities
H03 - Piperack area view from B01 - Boiler 
H03 - Piperack towards B07 - ESP pipe & cable trays erection activities
H03 - Piperack pipe & cable trays erection activities
C06 - Coal Conveyors and H03 - Piperack area view from B01 - Boiler
C06 - Coal Conveyors and H03 - Piperack area view from B01 - Boiler
C06 - Coal Conveyors modules structure pre-assembly area view
C07 - Coal Transfer Tower #4 structure view from B01 - Boiler
C07 - Coal Transfer Tower #4 structure view from B01 - Boiler
G21 - NH3 Ammonia Storage Bldg. view from B01 - Boiler
K04 - Guard House foundation civil work activities
South side laydown area view from B01 - Boiler
South side laydown area view from B01 - Boiler

28 November, 2017


Plant view from EGAT existing plant unit #13
Plant North side view from EGAT existing plant unit #13
B63 - STH view from South-West side
B63 - STH North side wall cladding erection activities
B63 - STH - Feedwater tank area Elev. +14.00 m view from East side
B63 - STH Elev. +14.00 m view from West side
B64 - ST turbine view from North side
B64 - ST turbine view from North-West side
B64 - Powertrain area view from South-East side
B64 - Lube oil room fire fighting pipe installation activities
B64 - Power oil room fire fighting pipe installation activities
B64 - BFWP view from Top (Elev. +14.00 m)
B64 - MDFWP pipe erection activities
B63 - STH Cooling Water Outlet pipe erection activities
B01 - Boiler and C07 - Transfer Tower #4 view from EGAT existing plant unit #13
B01 - Boiler Submerged Scrapper Conveyor installation activities
B01 - Boiler Water Canon pump skid view
B01 - Boiler LP Start-up pump skid view
B01 - Boiler North side PA & FD fans view
B01 - Boiler South side PA & FD fans lube oil flushing activities
B01 - Boiler South side PA & FD fans lube oil flushing activities
B35 - BEB Electrical Bldg. West side area civil work activities
F05 - 230 kV HV Switchyard area civil work activities
B01 - Boiler and B07 - ESP area view from South side
B07 - ESP area view from South-West side
B07 - ESP view from EGAT existing plant unit #13
B07 - ESP pipe erection activities
B10 - ID Fans lube oil flushing temporary pipe erection activities
B10 - ID Fans lube oil flushing temporary pipe erection activities
B17 - Flue Gas Ducts & structure erection activities
B17 - Flue Gas Ducts & structure erection activities
WFGD area view from EGAT existing plant unit #13
WFGD area view from North side
WFGD area view from East side
L05 - WFGD Absorber / Reactor Tower view from East side
L05 - WFGD Absorber / Reactor Tower from existing EGAT plant unit #13
L09 - WFGD Auxiliary Storage Tank view from South-East side
L24 - WFGD Ducts view from South side
L24 - WFGD Ducts area view from South-West side
L38 - WFGD Local Gypsum Slurry Tank view from North side
G60 - Chemical Bulk Storage Bldg. and G32 - Neutralization Basin area civil work activities
G60 - Chemical Bulk Storage Bldg. and G32 - Neutralization Basin area civil work activities
G28 - Oil & Fire Fighting Water Recovery Pit area civil work activities
H03 - Piperack towards B07 - ESP pipe & cable trays erection activities
H03 - Piperack towards B07 - ESP pipe erection activities
C01 - Fuel Oil Storage Tank area view from EGAT existing plant unit #13
G08 - Compressed Air Production Bldg. view from EGAT existing plant unit #13
D06 - Ash Transfer Tower structure erection activities
D01 - Fly Ash Silo Storage Tank area view from EGAT existing plant unit #13
D01 - Fly Ash Silo Storage Tank area view from North-East side
D23 - Ash Receiving Station structure erection activities
D23 - Ash Receiving Station structure erection activities
D30 - Ash Loading Station structure erection activities
D23 - Ash Receiving Station view from EGAT existing plant unit # 13
D08 - Fly Ash Sub-Distribution Bldg. area view from North-East side
D20 - Fly Ash Comp. Air Bldg. area view from North-East side
C08 - Lignite Sub-Distribution Bldg. area view from North-West side
C08 - Lignite Sub-Distribution Bldg. area view from North-East side 
C08 - Lignite Sub-Distribution Bldg. & C06 - Coal Conveyors structure area view from East side 
C06 - Coal Conveyors structure view from EGAT existing plant unit #13
C06 - Coal Conveyors structure view from EGAT existing plant unit #13
C06 - Coal Conveyors module gallery #1 erection activities
C06 - Coal Conveyors module gallery #1 erection activities
C06 - Coal Conveyors module gallery #2 erection activities
C06 - Coal Conveyors module gallery #2 erection activities
L12 - Gypsum Conveyors module structure erection activities
G42 - Fire Fighting Pumping Station & C07 - Transfer Tower #3 area view from South-East side
G02a - Filtrate Water Tank view from South side
G05 - Demin. Water Pump area view from North side
G05 - Demin. Water Pump pipe erection activities 
G06 - Demin. Effluent Neutralization Bldg. area view from E04 - Cooling Tower
G06 - Demin. Effluent Neutralization Bldg. view from South side
G06 - Demin. Effluent Neutralization Bldg. view from East side
G06 - Demin. Effluent Neutralization Bldg. electrical cable termination activities
Auxiliary Steam pipe erection at existing EGAT plant unit #13
Auxiliary Steam tie-in point pipe erection at existing EGAT plant unit #13
Auxiliary Steam tie-in point pipe erection at existing EGAT plant unit #13