09 November, 2017


Plant view from West side
Plant view from North-West side
B63 - STH view from South-East side
B63 - STH view from South side
B63 - STH North side cooling water pipe erection activities
B63 - STH North side cooling water pipe erection activities
B63 - STH Cooling Water Outlet pipe erection activities
B01 - Boiler view from South-East side
B06 - Boiler Bunker Station area view from South side
B06 - Boiler Bunker Station area view from North side
B01 - Boiler LP Start-Up Pump area civil work activities
B01 - Boiler ground floor Seal Fans foundation view
B01 - Boiler Slug Conveyor foundation civil work activities
B01 - Boiler South FD Fan and PA Fan view
B01 - Boiler North side Air Preheater Duct view
B01 - Boiler Ducts lagging installation activities
B01 - Boiler and B07 - ESP view from South side
B35 - BEB Electrical Bldg. West side area civil work activities
B68 - Transformer area South side underground civil work activities
F05 - 230 kV Switchyard HV cable pulling activities
B07 - ESP and WFGD area view from South-West side
B07 - ESP area view from South side
B07 - ESP area view from North side
B07 - ESP area view from North-East side
B07 - ESP area view from D01 - Fly Ash Storage Tank
B07 - ESP and WFGD area view from South-East side
B07 - ESP North ID Fan A view
B17 - Flue Gas Ducts structure erection activities
WFGD area view from South-East side
WFGD area view from North side
WFGD area view from D01 - Fly Ash Storage Tank
L04 - WFGD Pumping Station Bldg. view from West side
L24 - WFGD Ducts view from South-West side
L24 - WFGD Ducts L09 - Auxiliary Storage Tank view from South-West side
L24 - WFGD Ducts view from South-East side
C01 - Fuel Oil Storage Tank area view from West side
C01 - Fuel Oil Storage Tank area view from North-East side
C01 - Fuel Oil Storage Tank pipe erection activities
C01 - Fuel Oil Storage Tank pipe erection activities
C03 - Fuel Oil Pump Station area pipe erection activities
G08 - Compressor Air Bldg. area fencing erection activities
D06 - Ash Transfer Tower structure erection activities
D01 - Fly Ash Silo Storage Tank and D09 - Weighing Bridge area view from North-East side
D01 - Fly Ash Silo Storage Tank area view from West side
D01 - Fly Ash Silo Storage Tank area view from East side
D01 - Fly Ash Silo Storage Tank erection civil work activities
D01 - Fly Ash Silo Storage Tank erection civil work activities
D01 - Fly Ash Silo Storage Tank Paddle Mixer equipment installation activities
D23 - Ash Receiving Station foundation area view
Temporary back-filling for Coal Conveyors module erection area view
Temporary back-filling for Coal Conveyors module erection area view
C06 - Coal Conveyors structure view from D01 - Fly Ash Silo Storage Tank
C06 - Coal Conveyors structure erection activities
H03 - Piperack and C06 - Coal Conveyors view from South-East side
H03 - Piperack towards B07 - ESP structure erection activities
H03 - Piperack view from D01 - Fly Ash Silo Storage Tank
Auxiliary Steam piperack crossing from existing EGAT plant view
Perimeter South side Drain Trench civil work activities
K04 - Guard House foundation civil work activities

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