17 February, 2018


Plant view from North-West side
Plant view from South-West side
B63 - STH West side staircase structure erection activities
B63 - STH area view from South-East side
B63 - STH area view from North-East side
B64 - ST turbine view from North-East side
B64 - Generator area view from South-East side
B64 - Generator area view from South side
B64 - ST turbine area Steam Blow piping erection activities
B64 - STH BFWP 1 view
B64 - STH BFWP pipe insulation & cladding installation
B01 - Boiler view from South-East side
B01 - Boiler view from South side
B06 - Boiler Coal Bunker Station view from South side
B06 - Boiler Coal Bunker Station view from B63 - STH
B30 - CEB Electrical Bldg. Main Control room view
B30 - CEB Electrical Bldg. programming room view
B30 - CEB Electrical Bldg. server room view
B68 - Transformer area view from B30 - CEB Electrical bldg.
B68 - Transformer area fire fighting pipe painting activities
B68 - Transformer area view from South side
F05 - HV 230 kV Switchyard area view from B30 - CEB Electrical bldg.
B89 - Compressed Gas Storage House view from South-East side
B95 - CPP Bldg. view from South-East side
B07 - ESP area view from South-East side
B07 - ESP view from South-West side
B07 - ESP 1 ducts insulation & cladding installation
B07 - ESP 1 view from North side
B07 - ESP 2 view from South-East side
B07 - ESP 2 view from South side
B17 - Flue Gas Ducts towards B07 - ESP 1 ducts insulation & cladding erection activities
B17 - Flue Gas Ducts towards B07 - ESP 2 ducts erection activities
WFGD view from E04 - Cooling Tower
WFGD view from East side
L04 - WFGD Pump Bldg. wall cladding installation
L04 - WFGD Pump Bldg. wall cladding installation
L05 - WFGD Absorber / Reactor Tower and L38 - Local Gypsum Slurry Tank view from East side
L06 - WFGD Electrical Bldg. view from North-West side
L07 - WFGD Service Bldg. view from E04 - Cooling Tower
L09 - WFGD Auxiliary Storage Tank view from South side
L36 - WFGD SRS and L07 - Service Bldg. view from South-East side
L36 - WFGD SRS Bldg. and L09 - Auxiliary Storage Tank area view from E04 - Cooling Tower
L24 - WFGD Ducts view from South-East side
L24 - WFGD Ducts view from South side
C01 - Fuel Oil Storage Tank area view from West side
C01 - Fuel Oil Storage Tank fire fighting pipe painting work
Auxiliary Steam piperack crossing pipe erection activities
Auxiliary Steam piperack crossing pipe erection activities
B94 - Air Pre-Heater Washing Basin civil work activities
D01 - Fly Ash Silo Storage Tank view from North-East side
D01 - Fly Ash Silo Storage Tank view from B01 - Boiler
D01 - Fly Ash Silo Storage Tank erection activities
D07 - Slag Conveyors structure and H03 - Piperack view from B63 - STH
D06 - Ash Transfer Tower structure erection activities
D06 - Ash Transfer Tower structure erection activities
D23 - Ash Receiving Station view from South-West side
D23 - Ash Receiving Station bridge conveyor view from South-East side
D30 - Ash Loading Station area Fuel Oil pipe painting work activities
C06 - Coal Conveyors and H03 - Piperack view from B01 - Boiler
C07 - Transfer Tower #4 area view from East side
C07 - Transfer Tower #3 area view from E04 - Cooling Tower
H03 - Piperack towards B07 - ESP 1 area view from North-West side
H03 - Piperack towards B07 - ESP 1 area view from North-East side
G42 - Fire Fighting Pump Station Bldg. view from E04 - Cooling Tower
E12 - Cooling Water Pumping Station view from E04 - Cooling Tower
K04 - Guard House civil work activities
Acid Cleaning temporary drainage pond view
Plant South-West side of Switchyard area road work activities
Plant North-West side of Switchyard area road work activities
Plant South side of WFGD area underground fire fighting pipe installation activities
Plant East side of WFGD area underground fire fighting pipe installation activities

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