24 February, 2018


Plant North side view from EGAT existing plant unit #13
Plant view from South-West side
B63 - STH area view from South-East side
B01 - Boiler furnace surface & pipe insulation installation
B01 - Boiler and C07 - Transfer Tower #4 view from EGAT existing plant unit #13
B06 - Boiler Coal Bunker tripper deck car installation
B06 - Boiler Coal Bunker tripper deck rollers installation
B68 - Transformer view from West side
B68 - Transformer view from South-West side
B68 - Transformer area firefighting pipes view
B17 - Flue Gas Ducts towards B07 - ESP 1 insulation activities
B17 - Flue Gas Ducts towards B07 - ESP 2 ducts erection activities
B17 - Flue Gas Ducts and B07 - ESP view from South-West side
WFGD North-West side view from B01 - Boiler
WFGD South-West side view from B01 - Boiler
Ash Receiving and Loading Station area view from EGAT existing plant unit # 13
D01 - Fly Ash Silo Storage Tank and D06 - Ash Transfer Tower area view from EGAT existing plant unit #13
D06 - Ash Transfer Tower connecting towards D01 - Fly Ash Silo Storage Tank view from B01 - Boiler
B94 - Air Pre-Heater Washing Basin area view from B01 - Boiler
Ash Loading and Receiving Station area and C06 - Coal Conveyors view from EGAT existing plant unit #13
C06 - Coal Conveyors and H03 - Piperack view from B01 - Boiler
C07 - Transfer Tower #4 view from EGAT existing plant unit #13
G05 - Demineralization Bldg. West side area view from B01 - Boiler
Acid Cleaning temporary collecting pond view from B01 - Boiler

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