04 February, 2016


 B63 STH View to North
 B63 STH View to North West
   B63 STH View to North East
  B63 STH View to South
 B01 Bunker Bay Steel Structure view to East
 B01 Boiler Steel Structure View to North
   B01 Bunker Bay Steel Structure view to North
  B01 Bunker Bay Pull Pits progress 
 B01 Boiler View to North
 B01/B17 Interface
   B01 PA&FD Area South
 B01 PA&FD Area North
  B01 Boiler Steel Structure View to West
  B02 Stack
  B01 Boiler Overview to West
 E04 Cooling Tower Rebar in progress
  B01 Coal Silos Prefab

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