25 February, 2016


 Boiler steel - view from South to bunker bay
 Boiler steel - view from South to Back end
 Boiler steel - view from South East to Back end
Boiler steel - 400 T crane on air preheater steel
 Boiler general View from North East

 Boiler Mills preparation for sole plates installation
 Boiler Mills preparation for sole plates installation
Boiler Mills preparation for sole plates installation
 Boiler PA/FD Fans fondations South
 Boiler PA/FD Fans fondations North 
Turbine Hall - View from South
Turbine Hall - pedestals & CW intake from Boiler Mills
Turbine Hall - pedestals & CW intake from Transformers
Turbine Hall - From North East - CW Outfall & TH pedestals
 Turbine Hall - North Side- CW Intake backfilling
 Cooling Water pipes cofferdam to Cooling Towers
Cooling Water pipes cofferdam to Turbine Hall
 CEB excavation & pile cutting - UG networks
 CEB excavation & pile cutting - UG networks
 UG Nteworks 
 Chimney / Stack slip form on going
Chimney / Stack slip form on going

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